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import * as co from 'co';
import * as oracle from 'oracledb';
 * @param {object} opts The options passed directly to `oracledb.getConnection(...)`
 * @param {function} fn The async function to run with the acquired connection
 * @example
 * import witho from 'oracle-with'
 * await witho.conn({connectString: '...', ...}, async conn => {
 *   await conn.execute(...)
 * })
export async function connection(opts, fn) {
    let conn;
    try {
        conn = await oracle.getConnection(opts);
        conn.resultSet = (sql, bind, opts, fn) => resultSet(conn, sql, bind, opts, fn);
        conn.select = (sql, bind, opts) => select(conn, sql, bind, opts);
        return await co.wrap(fn)(conn);
    finally {
        if (conn)
            await conn.close();
 * @param {Connection} conn The Oracle connection
 * @param {string} sql The SQL to run
 * @param {array|object} bind The bind parameters
 * @param {object} opts The options passed directly to `oracleConn.execute(...)`
 * @param {function} fn The async function `(resultSet, results) => {...}` to run
 * @example
 * import witho from 'oracle-with'
 * witho.resultSet(conn, 'SELECT * FROM ...', [], {outFormat: oracledb.OBJECT}, async (resultSet, results) => {
 *   await resultSet.getRow()
 *   // use: results.metaData
 * })
 * // or use on an existing connection:
 * await witho.conn({connectString: '...', ...}, async conn => {
 *   await conn.resultSet(sql, bind, opts, async resultSet => {
 *     // ...
 *   })
 * })
export async function resultSet(conn, sql, bind, opts, fn) {
    opts = Object.assign(opts, { resultSet: true });
    let results;
    try {
        results = await conn.execute(sql, bind, opts);
        return await co.wrap(fn)(results.resultSet, results);
    finally {
        if (results)
            await results.resultSet.close();
 * @param {Connection} conn The Oracle connection
 * @param {string} sql The SQL to run
 * @param {array|object} bind The bind parameters
 * @param {object} opts The options passed directly to `oracleConn.execute(...)`
 * @return {Results} Returns the results returned from `oracledb.execute(...)`, with `.rows` pre-populated from the complete resultSet
 * @example
 * witho.select(conn, 'SELECT * FROM ...')
 * // => Promise<OracleResult {
 * //      ...
 * //      metaData: ...,
 * //      rows: [...],
 * //      ...
 * //    }>
export async function select(conn, sql, bind = [], opts = { outFormat: oracle.OBJECT }) {
    const results = await conn.resultSet(sql, bind, opts, async (resultSet, results) => {
        const rows = [];
        let row;
        while ((row = await resultSet.getRow()))
        results.rows = rows;
        return results;
    delete results.resultSet;
    return results;